The 80+ Terms, Symbols, and Prophecies in Arthdal Chronicles K-Drama

Be familiar with the definition of terms, symbols, events, places, and prophecies in tvN’s Arthdal Chronicles (2019-2023):

A place where Eunseom and Ipsaeng were captured by the Tae Clan of the Ago Tribe. It was taken over by Eunseom when he became Inaishingi.

The unification of thirty clans of Ago Tribe formed by Eunseom to march towards Arthdal and fight for freedom and victory.

The Ago Union in Season 2 (2023) 📷 tvN

A place across the ocean that Danbyeok wanted Tagon to stay during the tension about his sacred trial for performing Ollimsani.

A place of civilization where tribes unite called the Arthdal Union founded by Aramun Haesulla. Under the leadership of King Tagon, it became the kingdom of Arthdal, dissolving the Arthdal Union. It is the only place in Arth complete with grand structures, a bustling marketplace, fine clothes, hundreds of nice goods, and more.

Jang Dong-gun as King Tagon in Season 2 (2023) 📷 tvN

The land of the Neanthal tribes located in the North. It was set on massive fire by the Sarams (humans) after refusing to join hands with them, killing many Neanthals.

An ancient prophesy that says babies who were born on the day a blue comet appears in the sky are destined to bring calamity to the world.

A term for craftsman or engineer.

A sacred place where tribal heads of the Arthdal Union gather for discussion, and where Tagon and Tae Alha used to meet as young lovers.

A system also known as “Eight Bangs, Twelve Wons” designed and implemented by Aramun Haesulla 200 years ago, which means that “the one who is good at a certain task was appointed as a sol, and the people he led were called a bang”. Tagon, the new head of Arthdal revived this system and appointed the heads of tribes to lead the network as ministers and vice-ministers, with the hidden agenda of eradicating the identity of tribes to build one great nation under his sole leadership.

A term for twin.

A term for an illegitimate child.

A type of poison that is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It was the cause of death of Danbyeok, the brother of Tagon, and Hae Mihol, the father of Taealha.

A famous mercenary corps in Arth.

The special mark on the body of twin brothers Eunseom and Saya, passed on from their Neanthal father, Ragaz. It doesn’t fade with Neanthals buf falls off once an Igutu grows older.

A totem with the mark of the White Peak Mountain’s Hearts, left by the ancestor of Wahan Tribe, the Great White Wolf, also known as Asa Sin, the goddess of Asa Clan.

The three heavenly objects (sword, bell, mirror) sent down by Airuju, a deity of the White Mountain Tribe, to end the world. The “sword” to slay the world, the “bell” to echo throughout the world, and the “mirror” to illuminate the world.

A sacred dance by Inaishingi that his people of the Ago Tribe perform during prayer rituals.

A term for shaman.

A place where slaves dig in the mud and collect gems, and where Eunseom and other Wahans were sold to become slaves. They are treated like animals and beheaded if caught running away.

Season 1 (2019) 📷 tvN

A derogatory name for the people in Iark. Arthdal describes them as “lowly animals that can walk upright on two legs but cannot fly”.

A ritual performed by the Neanthals to guide a dying soul to the moon.

According to Isodunyong, goddess of the Heaven Lake and White Peak Mountain, “The day a paradise flycatcher wears another color, there shall be a catastrophe.”

The dwelling of Hae Tribe that always emits smoke, producing essential goods for Arthdal and its people. It is also where Saya grew up.

A term for desire.

A place where King Tagon shelters the lowly beings.

A term for letter.

The convoluted title given to Asa Hon by the White Mountain Tribe to honor her.

The sacred cave of the White Peak Mountain’s Hearts and the place of worship and rituals of Asa Sakan, the mother of the White Peak Mountain. Saya secretly goes to this place at night along with other believers of Asa Sin to gather and worship with a face paint, which was worn by Asa Sin, the progenitor of the White Mountain Tribe.

Season 1 (2019) 📷 tvN

An underground mine in Doldambul where Eunseom worked as a slave, digging for jewels.

A ritual performed to inform gods of important events.

The revengeful spirit of the Neanthals and Igutus.

A term for an indirect descendant.

A term for servant.

A symbol of punishment that’s engraved in the back ornament of Aramun Haesulla.

A base conquered by Inaishingi (Eunseom) and the Ago Tribe.

A battlefield where Eunseom and his Ago Union defeated the elite soldiers of Arthdal.

Season 2 (2023) 📷 tvN

A lake with its waters that naturally flow down to Arthdal.

The name that Tanya gave to the black horse that Eunseom found, whose strength resembles that of Kanmoreau, the legendary horse of Aramun Haesulla.

Season 1 (2019) 📷 tvN

A faraway land from Arthdal that is separated by the Great Black Cliff and believed to be reached only by a bird. It is where Risan the father and Asa Sin the mother fled. It is also said that Aramun would also have come to Iark.

A term for God’s glory.

A term for God’s care.

A term for God’s will that cannot be helped such as death from God’s wrath that cannot be given a funeral.

A place over the Hasi mountain where Eunseom and Ipsaeng journeyed to deliver a message to Sateunik’s wife.

A challenge of the Ago Tribe to test someone as the second coming of Inaishingi. The person is tied to the raft and dropped to the great waterfall. No one has ever survived the drop except Inaishingi followed by Eunseom.

Season 1 (2019) 📷 tvN

The direct descendant of the long line of firstborns and the world’s most glorious horse that runs around in the wild and extraordinarily fast. No horse can catch up and outrun it. An old story says that when Kanmoreu began to run, the enemy’s horses all followed it. It was rode only by the legendary Aramun Haesulla followed by Eunseom.

Season 1 (2019) 📷 tvN

A symbol of peace that’s engraved in the front ornament of Aramun Haesulla and can be found down south in Iark.

Season 1 (2019) 📷 tvN

A term for Union Leader’s wife.

A title given to Saya as the head of the Secret Intelligence Organization.

Lee Joon-gi as Saya in Season 2 (2023) 📷 tvN

A title of honor that was held only by two individuals, the head priest or priestess of Arthdal and the head of Arthdal Union or King of Arthdal.

Shin Se-kyung as Tanya Niruha in Season 2 (2023) 📷 tvN

The base of the Bato Tribe during their rebellion against Tagon.

A pre or postmortem ritual that is performed to guide a soul closer to the gods. It can only be performed by the Asa Clan of the White Mountain Tribe.

Season 2 (2023) 📷 tvN

A term for tribal chief.

A term for hybrid.

An information storage room or library at the Fortress of Fire in Arthdal.

When five stars aligned in the sky, a comet appeared and crashed into the biggest star in the Purple Forbidden enclosure. In Arthdal, a man who killed his own father will fight against the heavenly objects (sword, bell, mirror) and make sure the world doesn’t come to an end, as interpreted by Asa Sakan, the mother of the White Mountain Tribe.

A faraway land in the West where a King rules the Hae Tribe.

A small leather bag hanging on a giant tree in Iark that contains the byeoldaya of the great mother of Asa Clan. The Arthdal warrior, Mubaek found and kept it to do a personal inquiry among deities.

The smoke inhaled by a qualified priest to call on the gods that is deadly if inhaled by the untrained.

A ritual to soothe revengeful spirits.

A negative word for sickening.

A term for gift.

A sacred dance that summons the spirits and can only be performed by the descendants of the great mother of the Wahan tribe.

Kim Jiwon as Tanya in Season 1 (2019) 📷 tvN

A totem of Asa Sin that she hid inside the Great Shrine before her disappearance. Whoever finds it will instantly become the High Priest, to which only Tanya succeeded.

A Wahan word for uncle.

Tanya symbolizes the “bell” who is destined or prophesied to echo throughout the world.

Shin Se-kyung as Tanya in Season 2 (2023) 📷 tvN

The annihilation of Neanthals by Arthdal in Atturad through a contagious disease and a massive fire.

The yearly festival of the Neanthals when they gather to celebrate for seven days.

A huge and mighty cliff that is located between Arthdal and lark. It is not accessible to mankind but it has a deep cave that leads to the bottom of the cliff. It was crossed by Eunseom and his mother in a span of 10 years.

A sacred place where the sculpture of Aramun Haesulla riding on his legendary horse Kanmoreau are placed with his fingers engraved.

A war initiated by Arthdal to kill every single Neanthal who survived the massive fire and infectious disease during the Crescent of the Moon Festival. It was led by young Tagon and lasted a decade.

The sacred place of the eight gods of Asa Clan and where the high priest or priestess and his people perform spiritual ceremonies and rituals.

Song Joong-ki and Kim Jiwon in Season 1 (2019) 📷 tvN

The one who breaks the shell shall appear on the day the Azure Comet appears along with death. And the Wahan Tribe shall no longer be the same.

Saya symbolizes the “mirror” who is destined or prophesied to illuminate the world.

Lee Joon-gi as Saya in Season 2 (2023) 📷 tvN

The fertile land of the Neanthal tribes that was conquered by Arthdal.

A trial against anyone who commits a sin in the land of Arthdal.

Kim Jiwon and Kim Ok-vin in Season 1 (2019) 📷 tvN

A very hot valley between The Great Black Cliff and lark that is impossible to be crossed by foot. However, Eunseom and his mother succeeded.

A flower festival of the Wahan Tribe when they paint their faces, make flower ornaments, put them on their heads, and celebrate the abundance of nature.

Kim Jiwon in Season 1 (2019) 📷 tvN

Eunseom symbolizes the “sword” who is destined or prophesied to slay the world.

Lee Joon-gi as Eunseom in Season 2 (2023) 📷 tvN

An organization founded by Tanya Niruha.

A poor village where criminals, runaways, mercenaries, and rebels with their feet cut off, live.

The palace in Arthdal.

An arrow of the Ago Tribe that makes a sound.

The place of the Asa Clan where you get to see Atturad of the North and where the meeting between Saram leaders and Neanthal leaders took place.

An act of mobilizing soldiers to protect the Union that is issued by Danbyeok, the commander-in-chief of the army in Arthdal.

A ritual to grant divinity to the prince.

A term for doctor.

A term for spy.

Images: tvN