100+ Quotes | Queen Of Tears (2024)

Updated: April 29, 2024

Here’s a collection of quotes from the Korean drama, Queen Of Tears (2024):

“Im just a lucky man who married the love of my life.” – Baek Hyun Woo

  • “Our married life is nothing out of the ordinary.” – Baek Hyun Woo
  • “My heart jumps every time your superior scolds you.” – Baek Hyun Woo
  • “You always need help and it bothers me.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“I’ve always wanted my future wife to work. But if it’s you, I can try being the sole breadwinner.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“I mean, don’t feel pressured. It’s just that I like you.” – Baek Hyun Woo

  • “For some reason, I think marriage and divorce go hand in hand instead of marriage and happiness.” – Beom Ja
  • “It’s true that I dislike my in-laws but I despise my wife even more.” – Baek Hyun Woo
  • “I hate her with a passion.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“You can’t be with someone who’s out of your league. Three years is enough.” – Grace

“It doesn’t matter. I refuse to go anywhere with you.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“If anything, I’m miserable. But I’m only able to endure it because of the smallest happiness that I feel once in a blue moon. That’s marriage. That’s life.” – Hyun Woo’s father

“Dear Hae-in from the future, I doubt you’re watching this. But if you are, why are you? Turn this off and get to work. I won’t ask how you’re doing since I know you’ll be doing fine. You’ll be just as pretty, healthy, and the most successful. With Hyun-woo by your side, of course.” – Hong Hae In

“If you can’t live without me, do you want to die together?” – Hong Hae In

“People travel to the moon, and cars drive themselves. But they can’t remove a tiny tumor in my head? That’s ludicrous.” – Hong Hae In

“People divorce when they think they’re on the brink of death. It’s better to divorce then.” – Ms. Jeon

  • “When did you ever peel shrimp for me?” – Hong Hae In
  • “It’s impossible. How can we change after years of living as strangers?” – Baek Hyun Woo

“We learn how to survive in water as kids. Then we don’t swim for decades. Even if we end up in water again, we’ll still float. You may think you forgot it all, but your body remembers. It’s the same with love. You may think you forgot how to do it, but your heart remembers once you get into it.” – Lawyer Kim

“It’s strange, isn’t it? We get married because we’re in love. So why does that love disappear?” – Baek Hyun Woo

  • “I think it’s best not to marry if you want to be in love for a long time.” – Lawyer Kim
  • “It had been tough for me. It was too much to handle, but seeing you gives me hope.” – Hong Hae In

“You see, I’d rather look at my husband than elsewhere. He’s that handsome.” – Hong Hae In

“Stamina is important when hunting, but quick judgment and objective decision are also required. And those are all virtues that those who do business should have.” – Hong Hae In

“You shouldn’t do anything in other people’s territory.” – Baek Hyun Woo

  • “I’ve never felt this way before. She’s always on my mind.” – Baek Hyun Woo
  • “I’m so distracted because of her. She’ll be the death of me.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“We’re going to get married. And I’ll protect her forever.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“Would you be the last person on my mind if I died right now?” – Hong Hae In

“You’d be the biggest waste.” – Hong Hae In

“Are there women whose hearts still race when they see their husbands despite being married for over three years?” – Hong Hae In

  • “On some days, she looks him in the eye and wants to embrace him.” – Hong Hae In
  • “Another miracle will save me.” – Hong Hae In

“That’s the difference between you two. You were watching him at that moment, but he was watching me.” – Hong Hae In

“I don’t know what love means to you. But to me, it’s not about being happy and whispering sweet nothings. Love is when you endure the pain together. When you choose to stay instead of running away. Even if they have a debt or something more than that, you still stick together. That’s love.” – Hong Hae In

“People tend to ramble when they’re unsure. You don’t look confident.” – Yoon Eun Sung

“You’re on my side, and so is God. I feel so reassured.” – Hong Hae In

  • “A life like that for more 50 years?” – Baek Hyun Woo
  • “I’ve never been this annoyed at someone’s smile.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“If you’re drowning and you don’t like the rescuer, will you not grab the rope?” – Lawyer Kim

“I was in front of your house, then suddenly I was somewhere else. I don’t know when I went there or how. I have no idea. I was so scared.” – Hong Hae In

  • “Will you come with me?” – Hong Hae In
  • “Don’t cry. You have no right.” – Hong Hae In

“Even if I have to search the world, I’ll find a way to live.” – Hong Hae In

“Did you try so hard to pretend to like her that you actually fell in love?” – Lawyer Kim

“I’d like to take a break. I’d like to travel with my husband. Our first and last trip was our honeymoon. I’d like to go on walks, drink tea, eat, chat, and do some catching up again. That’d be nice. I wish I could do that everyday.” – Hong Hae In

“Why do they all want me to wait? Why do they talk as if time is on my side? I don’t have time.” – Hong Hae In

“So I thought long and hard. And this place came to mind.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“What did you say to me when you proposed? You promised not to make me cry. You told me to trust you. But guess what? I cried a lot during our marriage. I cried while driving, washing my face, and at the car wash. I liked sleeping separately since I could cry myself to sleep.” – Baek Hyun Woo

  • “And now we’re married. So I should be by your side at times like this.” – Baek Hyun Woo
  • “Did I ever tell you not to? I wanted you to be by my side. I didn’t want to be alone. Ever.” – Hong Hae In

“Let’s go home. I thought I’d find it here. A miraculous way to live. Or a place of no sadness. But there was none. All I wanted was to go home with you.” – Hong Hae In

“A relationship is bound to crumble with a secret. That’s the power of it.” – Yoon Eun Sung

“I want you to feel sad. But I don’t want you to be too sad.” – Hong Hae In

  • “From today on, can I sleep in your room?” – Baek Hyun Woo
  • “I’m truly blessed with a good husband.” – Hong Hae In

“You won’t believe me if I said you’re pretty no matter your weight, will you?” – Baek Hyun Woo

“You’re happy to watch them from afar. You can’t stop thinking about them. You take a detour just to see them once more. If you did those for the first time, then that’s your first love.” – Hong Hae In

“I found it on my way here. Our lock is still here.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“If this ever happens again, don’t save me.” – Hong Hae In

“I know you’re happy that I’m dying and have given up everything.” – Hong Hae In

“You let go of my hand when I was the most helpless.” – Hong Hae In

“I keep finding myself like this these days. Time keeps slipping away when I’m running out of time as is.” – Hong Hae In

“I wish this moment wouldn’t end. I wish you’d continue to smile at me without knowing the truth.” – Baek Hyun Woo

  • “There are times when people completely forget things even if they’re not sick. I was the same. I had forgotten it all.” – Baek Hyun Woo
  • “I can’t spend my remaining life next to you. Let’s part ways. I want a divorce.” – Hong Hae In

“When I’ve had a rough day, but have no one to rant to, I take Line Two. This line is a loop, so it goes around Seoul. Time passes by quickly when I watch people. I remain in the subway until sundown.” – Baek Hyun Woo

  • “They’re all working out in pairs, so why does he run alone?” – Hong Hae In
  • “Do you know what I’ve done in life to become someone useful to you?” – Yoon Eun Sung
  • “I didn’t divorce him so you could have a chance.” – Hong Hae In

“I realized that life may seem long, but happy memories are limited.” – Ms. Jeon

  • “Hae-in was the only woman in my life.” – Baek Hyun Woo
  • “I’ll stay by her side at all costs.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“My husband. He wants to be by my side. Hearing that makes me want to live.” – Hong Hae In

“I’m desperate to live, too. I want to stay by his side.” – Hong Hae In

“I want to live. Desperately.” – Hong Hae In

“We join hands when there’s a common enemy.” – Hyeon Tae

“This is the safest and the most comfortable place you can be.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“I’ll stop worrying once you’re better. But for now, that’s impossible. So please understand. Just stay with me.” – Baek Hyun Woo

  • “Do you think being together in this situation will make us happier?” – Hong Hae In
  • “We’ll be less miserable.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“Don’t think too much for today. Let’s just focus on being less miserable.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“But you see, I realized that it was a lie to endure something out of love. You can’t endure it if you truly love someone.” – Yoon Eun Sung

“We don’t share the same goal. So just like how you chose this family over me, I can also choose something else over you.” – Yoon Eun Sung

  • “Should I take tomorrow off?” – Baek Hyun Woo
  • “Can you just take tomorrow off?” – Hong Hae In

“Was he born to love me or something? He fell for me in that brief moment, so he kept this all this time.” – Hong Hae In

“I’ll never meet another man like you. You’re skittish yet clumsy. You’re rich but you’re not too bright.” – Cheon Da Hye

“Do you know why friendship and loyalty are abstract nouns? Because they don’t exist.” – Secretary Na

“You’re living a great life surrounded by nature. I’m envious.” – Haein’s father

“What if we had done just that? If we had applied ointment on time, disinfected our wounds, and replaced our bandages every time, would things have been different?” – Baek Hyun Woo

“What if we had broken up around the time when we had ice cream right here? If we hadn’t gotten married, we would’ve cherished the memories even to this day. There would’ve have been no need for wounds to fester or scars to form.” – Hong Hae In

“If we had broken up, you probably wouldn’t have known how I was doing. But I would’ve known what you were up to. And I probably woulve been regretful.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“Even still, I would’ve made the same choice.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“But had I known then what I know now, I would’ve asked you more often. How your day went. Is there anything that’s troubling you? I regret not asking you such questions.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“There are two things that don’t exist in the world. One, freebies. Two, a peaceful transfer of power.”

  • “Look behind you. You keep getting hit because you only look ahead.” – Cheon Da Hye
  • “We live in a dog-eat-dog world. So you have to be more cautious.” – Cheon Da Hye

“I feel uncomfortable that you’re suffering uselessly because of me.” – Hong Hae In

“You make people’s hearts race when you’re drunk. That’s your special move. So don’t do it in front of others.” – Hong Hae In

“Why does my heart race when I look at her? I get butterflies, and I’m happy when I look at her. I miss her when she’s gone. And when I look at her, I’m terrified that I won’t ever see her again.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“She likes me? But that’s not the case for me. I love her. Iove you, Hae In.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“I can’t die yet. I haven’t told you yet that it’s okay. That I never resented you. I haven’t thanked you for being by my side all these years despite all the harsh words I didn’t mean.” – Hong Hae In

“You were the reason I wanted to live even more.” – Hong Hae In

“I love you. I’ve loved you from the moment we met until now. I’m sorry that I didn’t treat you better. I’m also sorry that I left you all alone with my family.” – Hong Hae In

“If I don’t say these things before I die, you’ll never know how I really feel. I’m telling you this now since I don’t know when I’ll die.” – Hong Hae In

“Last night, I prayed more than I had done in my entire life. I said I’d do nothing, but cry everyday, drink a ton of alcohol, sleep on the street, and live recklessly if you died.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“If you die, I’ll give up on myself.” – Baek Hyun Woo

  • “Don’t be scared. You’re not going to die. You won’t die. I won’t let you.” – Baek Hyun Woo
  • “You don’t know how long I’ve had these feelings or when they first developed.” – Yoon Eun Sung
  • “He’s with me now. Must I explain more?” – Hong Hae In

“Try all you want. I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to stay by her side forever. I’ll be with her.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“I’ve always lived a hopeless life. No pain is greater than another, and I don’t care if I get hurt.” – Yoon Eun Sung

“Im happy as long as you dry my hair with the broken hair dryer.” – Hong Hae In

“My heart wants it. I want to do better if I can. That’s how I feel.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“Let’s be happy where we are now. And when my illness worsens, I want you to leave me. That’s my wish.” – Hong Hae In

“Divorced couples are more distant than strangers.” – Baek Du Gwan

  • “Is this right? Is this wrong? There’s no point in worrying. Life will take its course.” – Ms. Jeon
  • “Seeing how arrogant you are, you must be Hyun-woo.” – Hong Hae In

“Will you see other women after I die? Will you live with someone in this small place even after arguing? Will you make her stew and live happily ever after?” – Hong Hae In

“What kind of woman wouldn’t want to date you? You’re handsome, kind, smart, but not arrogant. Plus, you’re a good cook. There’s no man like you.” – Hong Hae In

“Even if I was reborn a hundred times, I’d still marry you every single time.” – Hong Hae In

  • “How could you say such a thing without even blinking your eyes?” – Baek Hyun Woo
  • “It’s true. So why would I hesitate?” – Hong Hae In
  • “You know how to make my heart race.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“Asking you to marry me again would be too much. So could you at least take back the divorce?” – Baek Hyun Woo

  • “It has come this far. My memory is unstable. I forgot where I was. And in the end, I couldn’t even recognize you.” – Hong Hae In
  • “I told you that we shouldn’t be together if my illness worsens. But that time came sooner than expected.” – Hong Hae In

“The sunset is beautiful. You’re right. The sunlight makes you look more handsome. But are you even really Baek Hyun-woo? Is this real? Am I not dreaming? I can’t be sure about anything anymore. That’s why I can’t make any promises.” – Hong Hae In

“All of us have burdens that we must carry in life. Even those who look the most carefree carry heavy stones in their pockets.” – Kim Myeongsong

“I’ve been a money-grubber all my life. I did everything in my power to keep the money I gathered. I wasted most of my years doing that.” – Chairman Hong Mandae

“What am I left? I’d like you to know that I regret the life I led. I hope you live differently. I truly hope that you won’t look back in futility at the end of the road.” – Chairman Hong Mandae

“It’s sunny. The clouds look pretty, and the birds are chirping. This world is annoyingly beautiful. So of course, I want to live.” – Hong Hae In

“Life can be bitter just like these persimmons. Light is tough as is, so imagine pouring some bitter soju on top. It’d be utterly unbearable. But if you endure it, life will become sweet again. And that’ll motivate you to stay strong.” – Baek Du Gwan

  • “It feels like I woke up from a long nightmare.” – Hong Hae In
  • “From now on… I didn’t know the phrase was this beautiful.” – Hong Hae In
  • “I thought I wouldn’t be part of your future. But now, we have a future together.” – Hong Hae In

“You can’t take this back even if you wake up one day and dislike me.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“A change of mind is not a valid reason to get a refund. That’s a given.” – Hong Hae In

“Even if we get into huge fights and you’re sick of me. Even if you claim that you don’t remember making this promise, there’s no taking back. I’ll still be by your side.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“I love it the most when I can just focus on your heartbeat.” – Hong Hae In

“I’ve had two training wheels throughout my whole life. One was you and the other one was you. But now, I want to remove them and stand on my own two feet.” – Hong Soo Cheol

“Normally, newlyweds in love are always touching each other somehow. It could be their hands, feet, or shoulders. Anything. They stick by each other and spend their everyday lives together.” – Hong Hae In

“We’re bound to run into hardships again one day. Then we can pull out these happy memories as if they’re candies in a candy jar and endure those moments. That’s why we need to gather as many good memories as possible right now.” – Hong Hae In

“It was nice to focus on one thing when things were complicated. I just need to concentrate on what’s the most important.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“I followed your bus home and crossed the Han River numerous times despite all the traffic. It took 1.5 hours. That bus I told you about was bus number 372. And the guy is you.” – Hong Hae In

“Don’t make a choice. Don’t think. Just listen to me. Just live. Do that. Please. Live.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“It must be upsetting that you can’t remember. But don’t worry. Because I remember everything. I’ll tell you everything that I know.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“This will be the first time you see my face. And let me warn you. Even if I’m not your ideal type, I’m sorry but I can’t break up with you. Because we agreed not to part ways just because of a change of mind. Even if you don’t like me, no matter what happens, even if you forget the promise we made, I promised to be by your side.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“Let’s welcome the first snow, stick by each other, and spend our everyday lives together. Let’s fill up that empty candy jar of yours. We can do it because it was fate that brought us together.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“I like how there’s a cemetery in the middle of a park. You’re not buried in a mountain or scattered at sea. You’re resting near your home. It makes death seem like nothing.” – Hong Hae In

“If you die before I do, I’m going to live one more day and then follow you.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“We put emphasis on our happy moments. But we don’t know what the future holds for us. So we make promises we can’t keep and laugh as if these happy moments will last forever. However, these is a dark side behind those radiant moments. When the magical moments disappeared and hardships made me want to give up, a thought crossed my mind, ‘Sure. I’ve experienced many misfortunes, but I still have you.’ And that helped me endure.” – Hong Hae In

“At that moment, we had no idea what was waiting for us on the other side.” – Hong Hae In

“We passed this place on our way back to the hotel and saw a beautiful full moon. I still remember the smell, the moon, and the wind of that day. That’s what memories are. Being alive means I cherish those memories and draw strength from them. So those memories define me and my life. And I’ll be losing them.” – Hong Hae In

“This place will just become an ordinary field for me. And you will become a stranger. I’ll be no longer myself.” – Hong Hae In

“I’ve lived as myself and I’ll die as such.” – Hong Hae In

“Im only left with two valuable things in this life you’ve given me. The memories of loving others and being loved back. I can’t let go of them. I won’t ask you to save me but let me cherish these memories until my last breath.” – Hong Hae In

“Don’t make me live. I won’t be able to recognize you. I’ll become a stranger.” – Hong Hae In

“Even if that’s the case, I’ll be the first person to meet you. Then you’ll fall in love with me again. Your heart will race again when I get drunk and act cute. We can love once again.” – Baek Hyun Woo

  • “I’ll be by your side even if you don’t fall for me, ignore me, or dislike me.” – Baek Hyun Woo
  • “Im going to make it unbearable for you to leave me behind.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“You tug too much at my heartstrings. You make people want to hug you. You look sexy with your sleeves up, you’re cute when you’re drunk, and you make others want to hug you when you’re crying.” – Hong Hae In

“Im terrified because I don’t know if I’ll just lose my memory or who I am entirely. But I don’t want to lose you.” – Hong Hae In

“I understand how you must feel. You must be extremely anxious and terrified. But you will never lose yourself. I won’t let that happen. I’ll help you stay who you are.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“Thank you for making this hard decision. Don’t get sick or hurt anymore. Stay by my side forever. Let’s go on trips. Let’s take walks. Let’s work out. Let’s argue and make up. Let’s do ordinary things and grow old together.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“Baek Hyun Woo. Don’t forget that name.” – Hong Hae In

“What kind of person is he? I’d be unbeatable if I knew my enemy and myself. But I don’t know myself. In that case, shouldn’t I at least know my enemy?” – Hong Hae In

“Your heart lies where your body goes.” – Secretary Na

“What if the surgery is a success but I forget who you are? What if I treat you like a stranger? Or even worse, what if I mistreat you? What if you can’t take it anymore and get sick of me? What should I do? Even if that happens, don’t get sick of me. Don’t get exhausted. Keep loving me.” – Hong Hae In

  • “My ideal type will never change, so I’ll fall for you again.” – Hong Hae In
  • “And when I’ll finally remember you, let’s get married again.” – Hong Hae In

“That’s what marriage is. Being on the same side and in the same boat. And if the boat capsizes, then we go down together. If you live, then I live, too. That’s what it is.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“But in the future, there will be many times when I’m even more flabbergasted, wronged, and upset. But I’d be very delighted if you were in the boat I was in. Even if we need to bail water out and row all night long, I’d have someone to rely on. Shouldn’t we marry someone who makes us feel that way?” – Baek Hyun Woo

  • “We’re in the same boat tonight. We’re moving together.” – Hong Hae In
  • “The past doesn’t matter. What’s important is that we’re back together.” – Hong Hae In

“I forgot how much I loved you. I forgot how I promised to be with you through thick and thin. I forgot everything. I caused you pain. I’m sorry and I love you.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“I learned abstract nouns like love, friendship, faithfulness, and loyalty may not be visible but they definitely exist. Plus, they’re the most powerful.” – Secretary Na

  • “I get that you want to impress me but you’re pushing it. You’re too perfect.” – Hong Hae In
  • “Do you know why wars happen? It’s due to poor communication.” – Baek Du Gwan

“We probably fell apart due to trivial matters. We said things we didn’t mean and protected our ego. And that caused stupid misunderstandings. Instead of knocking on your door, it was probably easier to stay in my room and resent you. But I won’t do that anymore. Then maybe we can give it a try.” – Hong Hae In

“I’ll never be afraid to take another bullet for you. But I was afraid we’d become exhausted and disappointed in each other after arguing over the most trivial things. I wasn’t confident that we wouldn’t fall apart or resent each other once again. But I can promise you this. I’ll stay by your side. No matter what happens, I can mend things when they’re broken. It may not always be perfect. But I can do that. If that’s okay with you, then will you marry me?” – Baek Hyun Woo

“We’ll have to be on our toes. Because life never unfolds the way you want to.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“We can sometimes stop and appreciate the scenery. Then time will gradually begin to flow more quickly. Time will slip away, and we won’t be able to do anything about it. That’s how we’ll spend everyday of our lives. We’ll enjoy all the happiness that life grants us.” – Baek Hyun Woo

“One day, when only one of us is left, the other one can come meet them. Then it won’t be scary at all. Because we’ll be together.” – Baek Hyun Woo / Hong Hae In

Genre: Melodrama, Romance
Synopsis: The miraculous and humorous love story of a married couple who overcomes trials and stays together against all odds.
No of episodes: 16
Cast: Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Ji-won
Writer: Park Ji Eun
Directors: Jang Young Woo, Kim Hee Won
Network: tvN
Streaming platform: Netflix
Date: March 9, 2024

Netflix subtitle translation: Soo-ji Kim, Wayne Ryu

Images: tvN